Every semester, the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology organizes the Ethnological Colloquium, bringing together a variety of guest lectures, film screenings and discussion sessions that are open for the public. On December 5 2023, I was invited to give a lecture on my experiences working in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) […]
My contribution “Thoughts on: Relations and ways of reading across” to the 3-part seminar Childhood Publics And the Child’s Gaze is now available in podcast format. The seminar was organized by Melissa Nolas (Goldsmiths, University of London), Zoe Walshe (Goldsmiths, University of London), Brenda Herbert (Goldsmiths, University of London), and Elina […]
Film screening of our (Laura Lennert Jensen and me’s) Visual Essay: The Letter Project at the 2023 Conference of the German Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology (GASCA) in Munich, Germany with the theme “Contested Knowledge: Anthropological Perspectives. The visual essay was shown as part of the Film Panel “The Poetics […]
The visual essay “The Letter Project” was developed Laura Lennert Jensen and me, and can be understood as an alternative form of communicating research results that goes beyond text. It brings to life the academic article “It’s a bit like saying: I don’t see colour” — Unpacking coloniality in Kalaallit […]
On May 11, “The Sociological Review Seminar Series: Childhood publics and the child’s gaze” invited Wendy Luttrell (The City University of New York), Melissa Nolas (Goldsmiths, University of London), and Anne Chahine (Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam) to speak at “Seminar 2 – Childhood publics: Children returning the […]
On 08.November 2022 I successfully defended my PhD thesis at the Anthropology Department at Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. The summary can be found in English and Kalaallisut down below. For a copy of the thesis frame or the articles, please contact me directly: mail@annechahine In search of decolonial ways: […]
While preparing my PhD thesis defence in November this year, I was again and again faced with the conundrum of how to properly say thanks and pay respect to the people that have, in one way or the other, accompanied me on this PhD journey. As this is simply not […]
I am happy to share that my article Future memory work: unsettling temporal Othering through speculative research practices was just published in the journal Qualitative Research. I am still working on making this open access, so, please contact me if you are interested in a copy. I would like to […]
Here you can find the press release about last weeks writing workshop in Áltá/Alta, Sápmi/Norway at the Alta campus of the Arctic University of Norway, or download a PDF version here. I am very excited to be part of this initiative as part of my new role as research associate […]
After 3,5 exciting years, the POEM project (Participatory Memory Practices) came to an end, and all the PhD fellows (me being one of them) got to present an element of their work as part of the POEM closing conference Futures of Participatory Memory Work. I chose to stick with one […]
The Digital Archive of Forgotten Memories (DAFM) was originally initiated by my lovely POEM colleague Inge Zwart and me, to propose a new format to communicate central themes of the POEM research project. The DAFM is envisioned as a participatory space to talk about the process of forgetting, where we would ask […]
I am delighted to announce that I’ll be joining the editorial board of the journal entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, following an invitation by its amazing editors Melissa Nolas and Christos Varvantakis. I look forward to contributing to this experimental, open-access journal, focused on multimodal ethnographic theory and practice.
I am happy to announce that we received the Best Poster/Demo Award at the 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies 2021 (Seattle and Online) for the presentation Pluriversal Design: A Virtual Decolonising Exhibition. As part of this collaboration, Laura Lennert Jensen, Vivi Vold and myself developed the exhibition space […]
The exhibition was developed by Laura Lennert Jensen, Anne Chahine and Vivi Vold, as part of the virtual reality collaboration Pluriversal Design (Pluriversal Design 2021)[2]. The collaboration brought together projects based in Namibia, Mexico, Australia, Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), Ecuador, Borneo, and Ghana, to investigate how to bring decolonial discourses into […]
I am excited to have my short documentary “Memory Is Not About the Past”, developed as part of my MA dissertation at the Free University Berlin in 2016, published at JAF in their current issue. The Journal of Anthropological Films (JAF) publishes original, empirically-based contributions that present new insights to […]
Chapter contribution to the book “What’s Missing?: Collecting and Exhibiting Europe” in collaboration with my lovely POEM colleagues Susanne Boersma, Franziska Mucha, and Inge Zwart. The concept of the book was developed by the Museum of European Cultures Berlin and our chapter “The Archive of Forgotten Memories – A Participatory […]
With the support of the American Society of Visual Anthropology/Robert Lemelson Foundation Fellowship, I was able to execute a temporary photo exhibition at the Greenland National Museum in Nuuk that translates this online collection into a temporary real-life setting. The exhibition was launched on 25 October 2019 and was open […]
During my course Introduction to Visual Forms of Inquiry at Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, I was fortunate to welcome interdisciplinary researcher, writer, filmmaker, and artist (and dear friend) Melody Howse (University of Leipzig) for an online lecture on Sensory and Visual Ethnography in Practice. Melody introduced and reflected on her […]
The Future Memory Collection is part of my Ph.D. dissertation Future memory making: Co-creating (post-)colonial imaginations with Greenlandic youth in Greenland and Denmark and connected to the Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network ‘POEM’ (Participatory Memory Practices). The study is scheduled to be executed over a total time span of three […]
Anthropology News was looking for critical anthropological perspectives on and around love and invited me to write a short piece about my short documentary Looking for Mr. Right Now from 2015. The article was published as part of the thematic series on “Love” in the Jan/Feb 2019 print and online […]
I am excited to start my Ph.D. in the Anthropology Department at Aarhus University in Denmark. I will be working on the project “Future memory making: Co-creating (post-)colonial imaginations with youth from Greenland and Denmark” under the supervision of Professor Ton Otto. The fellowship is part of the innovative European […]
In fall 2018, I start an exciting fellowship at the H2020 project POEM – Concepts, strategies, and media infrastructures for envisioning socially inclusive potential futures of European Societies through culture. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant […]
The video installation Memory is Not About the Past aims to understand how former East Germany is remembered today in accordance with the general national historic discourse. The installation focuses on members of the Third Generation East, meaning individuals born in the GDR between 1975 and 1985, who experienced the […]
Geschichten von Menschen aus der ehemaligen DDR. Für die Welt. Stories from the people of former East Germany. For the world. Follow us on Facebook Im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit beschäftige ich mich mit dem Thema ‘Wendekinder’. Der Generation also, die einen Teil ihrer Kindheit noch in der ehemaligen DDR verbracht […]
Project Module Space and Place Lecturer Mike Terry and Christian Reichel Master of Arts Visual and Media Anthropology Freie Universität Berlin Inspired by Dr. Andrew Irving’s New York Stories – The Lives of Other Citizens Dr. Andrew Irving is Programme Director at the Granada Centre of Visual Anthropology at the […]
The short documentary Beirut in two words has been nominated for the ‘Köln Design Preis 2014’. The exhibition of the nominated projects took place in the MAKK Cologne.
The short documentary Beirut in two words aims to give one of the most diverse cities of the Middle East a voice of its own.Nine members of Beirut‘s music and art scene share their thoughts on living and working in a city where at times beauty and suspense go hand […]