Multimodality and Collaboration • Future Memory Work • Co-Creation

Fellowships & Awards

Best Poster/Demo Award C&T2021

I am happy to announce that we received the Best Poster/Demo Award at the 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies 2021 (Seattle and Online) for […]

SVA/Robert Lemelson Foundation Fellow 2019-2020

My proposal “The Future Memory Collection: An Online Archive and Real-Life Exhibition Space” has been recommended for funding by the Society for Visual Anthropology review committee […]

German Musical Theater Award 2016

Winner of the German Musical Theater Award 2016 in the categorie Stage Design “Der Tunnel“. Stage Design and Video: Marc Jungreithmeier. Video: Marc Jungreitmeier & Anne […]

Best Short Documentary

My short documentary Looking for Mr. Right Now has been awarded Best Short Documentary January 2016 by the Around Films International Film Festival.

Nomination Kölner Design Preis 2014

The short documentary Beirut in two words has been nominated for the ‘Köln Design Preis 2014’. The exhibition of the nominated projects took place in the […]

Best Undergraduate Thesis

The University of Applied Science Cologne has honored my final project Beirut in Two Words: Development and Production of a Documentary Film as Best Undergraduate Thesis […]