Part of the Poetic Framing Workshop @ Freie Universität Berlin Lecturer: Kristian Peters Music: F.T.G. ( Lyrics inspired by “La Forza del Passato” by Pasolini Mastering by Khalil Chahine © Anne Chahine Mai 2015
Transcultural Filmworkshop Freie Universität Berlin Master of Arts | Visual and Media Anthropology Berlin, April 2015 Camera and Sound: Anne Chahine, Ji-Liang Lin Edit: Anne Chahine Project Supervisor: Eva Knopf, Mark Dölling, Grzegorz Muskala Music: Plugs | Rock’n Roll Zombie |
My short documentary Beirut in two Words has been nominated for the Ethnocineca Student Shorts Award 2015: Young talents – Big cinema! With the ESSA, ethnocineca gives due attention to the multifaceted inspiration of young documentary filmmaking. The award not only presents an international platform for young filmmakers of documentary filmmaking, […]
The new piece by the Cologne choreographer Silke Zimmermann is a co-operation with author and director André Zimmermann, dancer and video designer António Cabrita and media and stage designer Anne Chahine. Within the frame of TEMPS D`IMAGES invites to a preview. . “LAUF (in a courseof a lifetime)“ describes the […]
Stop Watching! is a versatile, frivolous, political incorrect and beyond all measure playful and venturesome dance and image experience, dealing with people’s growing habit to stop experiencing life by oneself, trying out new things or running a risk every now and then.
The short documentary Beirut in two words has been nominated for the ‘Köln Design Preis 2014’. The exhibition of the nominated projects took place in the MAKK Cologne.
The University of Applied Science Cologne has honored my final project Beirut in Two Words: Development and Production of a Documentary Film as Best Undergraduate Thesis in 2013/14.
The short documentary Beirut in two words aims to give one of the most diverse cities of the Middle East a voice of its own.Nine members of Beirut‘s music and art scene share their thoughts on living and working in a city where at times beauty and suspense go hand […]
Eine Projektarbeit im Rahmen des Mediendesignstudiums an der Rheinischen Fachhochschule Köln Wintersemester 2011/12 Fach AV-Produktion Dozent Carsten Jezewski Produktionsteam: Alexander Baatout | Anne Chahine | Jette Britzwein | Justyna Kempka | Stephanie Böhme Band 5vor12: Sven Caßebaum | Tobias Meißner | Michael Lösch | Edin Colic Schauspieler: Stephanie Voit | […]
Visiting my mom in the county of Brandenburg, south of Berlin. My mom tells us the story behind my parents house and walks us through her beautiful garden.
December 2012 – Netherlands Inspired by the lyrics of the song “Das Glück kennt nur Minuten” from Hildegard Knef. Text:Hildegard Knef/Herman Thieme Song: Butterflies Artist: Charlotte Machut Source:
Summer of 2012 in Beirut. Hot. Beautiful. Hopeful. Tense. Charming. And everything seemingly at the same time.