Film screening of our (Laura Lennert Jensen and me’s) Visual Essay: The Letter Project at the 2023 Conference of the German Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology (GASCA) in Munich, Germany with the theme “Contested Knowledge: Anthropological Perspectives. The visual essay was shown as part of the Film Panel “The Poetics […]
Visual Essays
The visual essay “The Letter Project” was developed Laura Lennert Jensen and me, and can be understood as an alternative form of communicating research results that goes beyond text. It brings to life the academic article “It’s a bit like saying: I don’t see colour” — Unpacking coloniality in Kalaallit […]
While preparing my PhD thesis defence in November this year, I was again and again faced with the conundrum of how to properly say thanks and pay respect to the people that have, in one way or the other, accompanied me on this PhD journey. As this is simply not […]
Annual visit of the former open cast mining pit Cottbus-Nord in the south of the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. The area is part of a renaturation process and will be flooded starting 2018, turning the former mining pit with its 1,900 hectare into the largest lake in the Lusatia […]
Transcultural Filmworkshop Freie Universität Berlin Master of Arts | Visual and Media Anthropology Berlin, April 2015 Camera and Sound: Anne Chahine, Ji-Liang Lin Edit: Anne Chahine Project Supervisor: Eva Knopf, Mark Dölling, Grzegorz Muskala Music: Plugs | Rock’n Roll Zombie |
Eine Projektarbeit im Rahmen des Mediendesignstudiums an der Rheinischen Fachhochschule Köln Wintersemester 2011/12 Fach AV-Produktion Dozent Carsten Jezewski Produktionsteam: Alexander Baatout | Anne Chahine | Jette Britzwein | Justyna Kempka | Stephanie Böhme Band 5vor12: Sven Caßebaum | Tobias Meißner | Michael Lösch | Edin Colic Schauspieler: Stephanie Voit | […]
Visiting my mom in the county of Brandenburg, south of Berlin. My mom tells us the story behind my parents house and walks us through her beautiful garden.
December 2012 – Netherlands Inspired by the lyrics of the song “Das Glück kennt nur Minuten” from Hildegard Knef. Text:Hildegard Knef/Herman Thieme Song: Butterflies Artist: Charlotte Machut Source:
Summer of 2012 in Beirut. Hot. Beautiful. Hopeful. Tense. Charming. And everything seemingly at the same time.