Videoarticle about my shortfilm Power of the Past. A history of an East German family (3min45s | 2015 | Germany), published by the online platform zeitgeschichte-online.
The collaborative platform „zeitgeschichte-online“, a project by the Centre for Contemporary History (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, ZZF) and the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz, SBB), exists since January 2004 to present questions within contemporary history online. We act as a conduit between professions interested in contemporary history, a still hermetic academia and a broadly interested general public. Our endeavour is both to depict and distribute more recent results in contemporary history research and to critically evaluate their portrayal in art, literature and film. […] Zeitgeschichte-online offers an uptodate perspective on the development of the study of contemporary history, featuring, in changing themes, new approaches and controversies, as well as extensive archival collections, press clippings and own contributions. Zeitgeschichte-online seeks to place current events and public debates within their historic context.[1]
[1] „Über ZOL | zeitgeschichte-online“. 2017. Accessed April 11th.